Commando now available in recyclable packaging

After debuting recyclable packaging for Bio-Active Septic Tank Treatment in 2021, Walex is now packaging its black holding tank cleaner, Commando, in the same eco-friendly material.

Walex plans to transition several more of its RV/Marine product line to recyclable material in the coming years. The effort is part of an eco-friendly initiative extending to the product formulas; all of Walex's RV/Marine products comply with the country's most stringent environmental standards.

Recycle your Commando bag in a plastic bag recycling bin located at many retail stores, including Lidl, Target, Walmart, and Wegmans. To recycle, ensure the package is clean and dry before placing it in the bin.

The new recyclable bags are stamped with a seal from How2Recycle, an organization that aims to clarify the recycling process by standardizing instructions and labels. According to, the bag material can be made into synthetic lumber for decking, park benches, or recycled directly into another bag.

How to Use Deodorizer in a Camper Van

Deodorizer usage for a 2.5-gallon or 5-gallon potty

Walex deodorizers like Porta-Pak are created for black holding tanks, but you don't have a black tank if you're living #VanLife in a converted camper van. Instead, you might have either a cassette toilet or a porta-potty, both of which have from 2.5 to 5 gallons capacity. So here's what you need to know about using deodorizer.

Add one entire packet of deodorizer

No matter what type of tank you have, you should always add an entire packet of deodorizer. You should not handle a holding tank product; that's why the Porta-Pak formula is contained in a water-soluble casing. Simply drop the entire packet into your cassette toilet or porta-potty and add water.

Add the correct amount of water

For a 5-gallon tank, add 3/4 to 1 gallon of water, and for a 2.5-gallon tank, add 1/2 gallon of water. You always need water because it dissolves the packet and allows the waste to fall below the waterline. The deodorizer can only treat the waste that it can touch!

In addition to deodorizing, Porta-Pak also breaks down waste and paper, making it easier to empty the tank.

If you have any questions about how to use our products, call us at 910-371-2242.

Happy Adventuring!

The 4 products you need to keep your van or RV clean & odor-free

The four products that will keep your RV free from odors, grease and mess

With the wide variety of RV cleaning and deodorizing products, deciding which ones you need for your travels can be a daunting task. We’re here to simplify your shopping with four products that will tackle every potential odor source in your RV.

For deep cleaning: Green Hornet

Space in an RV is limited, so a 3-in-1 cleaner and degreaser is a must-have. Green Hornet combines the RV industry’s three most common product needs: rubber roof cleaner, awning cleaner, and black streak remover. It’s available in a ready-to-use spray and a super-concentrate, making it even more versatile because you can dilute it based on your cleaning need.

For deodorizing the black holding tank: Bio-Pak

The most obvious odor source in your RV is your toilet, so you need a powerful, easy-to-use black tank deodorizer. Bio-Pak is both a deodorizer and a digester. It contains enzymes that break down waste and paper, so you don’t need to use special RV toilet paper! Bio-Pak is also septic-safe and environmentally friendly.

For deodorizing the grey holding tank: Elemonate

Your grey tank might be less scary than your black tank, but it’s still a major odor source in your RV. Your sinks and shower drain into your grey tank, and without a deodorizer, organic sludge can build up over time. Elemonate contains enzymes that break down the grease, grime, and sludge. Plus, it emits a fresh lemon fragrance. It’s easy to use; simply drop one tablet in your sink and run water over it for a few seconds to help it dissolve.

For eliminating airborne odor molecules: Odor Absorber

Even after cleaning with Green Hornet and deodorizing the most apparent odor sources, you might still need to freshen the air, especially if you’re traveling with pets or you cooked a fragrant meal the night before. Simply peel back the label on Odor Absorber, and it goes to work immediately neutralizing odors in the air. It can freshen a space up to 300 square feet for up to 60 days. Odor Absorber is a gel product infused with a layer of charcoal, which traps and eradicates odor molecules. This product is perfect if you’re sensitive to fragrances; it’s available in lavender and orange twist, but the scent is very light.    

Two products that eliminate airborne odors in RVs

Easily eliminate smells from pets, mildew, garbage, or cooking

If you own an RV, you're probably familiar with Walex's line of powerful holding tank deodorizers. Walex also makes several products designed to eliminate airborne odors caused by pets, mildew, garbage, or cooking.

Odor Absorber neutralizes foul odors

Odor Absorber is a gel product infused with a layer of charcoal that eradicates and absorbs odors. Odor Absorber captures and removes odor molecules in the air. As soon as a container of Odor Absorber is opened, the formula goes to work neutralizing odors in the air and creating a bright, fresh-smelling space. Odor Absorber is a must-have if you're traveling in an RV with pets. Just peel back the label, tuck it into a corner, and remember to change it out every 60 days.

  • Works in spaces up to 300′ sq.
  • Non-toxic
  • Environmentally safe
  • Biodegradable
  • Available in 2 fragrances: Lavender and Citrus


Ovation is is an air freshener that contains powerful odor control technology and freshening capabilities. It freshens air for up to 30 days. Use it in restrooms, vehicles, homes, storage rooms, or anywhere needing a boost of fragrance. You simply hang it, pin it, or place it wherever you need to freshen the air.

  • Portable air freshener
  • Commercial strength
  • Long-lasting
  • Available in 3 fragrances: Fresh, Citrus and Lavender

How to restore your holding tank after summer travels

Does your holding tank need a deep clean?

Commando will eliminate the dreaded "pyramid" and restore sensor function

If you're new to the RV lifestyle, RV maintenance might still be intimidating. But chances are, some issues arose on your fun summer travels, and autumn is a great time to address those problems and prevent future ones. For example, one common complaint is that the toilet doesn't smell as fresh as before the trip. Black holding tank odors are common, and Walex has the solution.

Even if you use a holding tank deodorizer, waste and paper can become caked to your tank walls over time. This residual waste causes foul smells and false sensor readings. Not only does this make your RV trip less pleasant, but a malfunctioning holding tank sensor is incredibly frustrating. You must know how full your holding tank is so that you know when to empty it!

To eliminate residual waste and restore your sensor function, first empty your black tank. Then drop in one packet of Commando and fill your tank with water. Let that sit for 12 to 24 hours (or longer, if needed). Commando's enzymes will break down waste and paper, lubricate the valves and seals, and clean the sensors. Then, when you empty your tank again, it will be good as new!

Even if you don't notice any holding tank issues, we recommend cleaning your black holding tank with Commando if you plan to winterize your RV soon. If you're on the road a lot, we also recommend using Commando every three months as a preventative measure.

Happy adventuring!

The Value of the RV Rental Business

RV travel is more popular than ever, and some of those RVs on the road are rented. The RV rental business is booming because it's beneficial on all sides. For the renter, it's a great way to experience the RV lifestyle before deciding to purchase an RV, and the leaser earns money off a pricy vehicle that would otherwise sit in their driveway. 

You might be thinking about trying out this unique method of travel for your next getaway. Or, like many RV owners, you might wish to see your RV getting more use when you aren't on the road. If either of those scenarios applies, Walex Products Company, Inc. has you covered! We teamed up with RV renters and owners to help answer any questions and concerns one might have about the rental process from the perspective of both the renter and the leaser.  

For the renter:  

If you've been thinking about taking the ultimate road trip but aren't quite ready to take the big step of buying an RV, renting one is your next move. Renting also allows you to try out RVs of different styles to find one that fits your needs and lifestyle. Services like Outdoorsy have made the rental process easy and efficient, allowing customers to enjoy the experience. Renters can also reach out to their local RV dealership to rent a variety of choices. In addition, there is no need to worry if you are new to the RV world; your leaser will go over everything you need to know before getting behind the wheel!

John Morgan, @offthegridnc, provided us with valuable insight into the rental process and his experience with leasing his Mercedes Sprinter vans. If you are looking for something easy that requires a minimum setup, the Sprinter van may be a good option for you, as that was a deciding factor for Morgan. From a financial standpoint, the renter will have extra expenses for fuel and campsite fees. Morgan is a big proponent of Harvest Hosts, a membership program in which various wineries and farms offer free parking in exchange for a suggested purchase. Overall, RV rentals allow you to get the best of both worlds, as you get to enjoy the experience without having to make a big purchase.  

For the leaser:  

You may be wondering- is renting out your RV worth the potential stress of turning over your expensive vehicle to someone else? The simple answer is yes if you do it in the right way. Leasing your RV is a great way to bring in an additional income and even cover the costs of the vehicle's yearly insurance and maintenance upkeep. John Morgan has done very well with his rentals and expects the return investment to be excellent this year. 

As with any type of rental, unexpected things can happen, so you will have to be prepared if issues arise. However, you are the one calling the shots, so you can make rules and set expectations for the renter as you please. It's also essential to make sure your renter uses the best products for managing the toilet and holding tank. Walex Products Company has a variety of top-rated products that will satisfy all your RV sanitation needs! Check out our selection of RV products and visit our YouTube page to watch step-by-step instructional videos if you have questions about the application of the products.  

Walex debuts recyclable packaging

This year, Walex debuted an industry-first recyclable packaging initiative with our packaging supplier. The first product we switched to the new pouch was our Bio-Active Septic Tank Treatment, but we plan to package all of our RV and Marine drop-in products into this eco-friendly packaging by the end of 2022.

The recyclable packages are stamped with the seal, meaning the material is guaranteed to be recycled if appropriately deposited by the consumer. is a program that aims to bring clarity to the recycling process by standardizing instructions and labels.

Bio-Active Septic Tank Treatment packaging is labeled as Store Drop-off, meaning the consumer can drop off into a local plastic bag recycling bin rather than recycling it curbside. These bins are located at many retail stores, including Lidl, Target, Walmart, and Wegmans. Just ensure the package is clean and dry before placing it in the bin.

According to, the bag material can be made into synthetic lumber for decking, park benches, or recycled directly into another bag.

“Walex takes tremendous pride in developing products that are biodegradable and eco-friendly,” said Bill Williams, President of Walex. “Moving into sustainable packaging is the logical option to ensure we are good stewards of the environment and industries we serve.”

RV-ers Test & Review Walex Products

We love when RV-ers call or email us with honest feedback after using our products. We get a lot of positive reviews, which is great, but we also value constructive criticism because it helps us improve existing products or introduce new products to the market. Here's a fantastic, detailed review we recently received. If you're currently using Walex products, tell us what you think! Call 910-371-2242 or email RV sales manager Tony Butler.

Charles uses Porta-Pak, Bio-Pak and Elemonate. Here's his experience with the products so far:

Hi Tony, I wanted to follow up with you on our winter and spring camping experiences with Walex products in our two RVs. 

Our continued winter experience with bio-pac in our holding tank for our travel trailer was excellent, no smells and good breakdown. I was concerned that the cold temps would inhibit essential bacteria growth and hinder breakdown, but all was well!

In our small off-road pop-up camper’s cassette toilet, the porta-pac kept smells very manageable, but I do think that the bio-pacs do a better job in the cassette toilet as well for odor management. I was concerned that the small cassette tank would not afford enough time for the essential bacteria to work, but bio-pac seems to have performed well at breakdown and superior in odor management. 

Now that the temps are warming up, I will keep tabs on changes in performance characteristics. Our small off-road camper turns in a hot box in the summer when we close it up for the day to go hiking, etc. I will be curious to see if we need to switch to porta-pac for that one. Of course, I will follow up with you on that.

The elemonate did remove the tendency for grease to buildup on our dump valve, which is a huge plus. I noticed that change on first application. However, the sensor in that tank still wants to stick and I have no idea if that is a sensor issue, or a grease / containments issue. Do you think two tablets would be better, or maybe a time in tank issue? We typically have to dump the galley gray every other day. I do use elemonate every dump cycle. 

I hope my info and feedback helps and my goal of giving you all a year of real world feedback will conclude at the end at the summer. It has been a fun side camping project for me and we all gain in the end. I will let you know how things go over the summer we wrap it up and see what we learned!


Can I use Porta-Pak or Bio-Pak in my yacht's holding tank?

Keeping your yacht's toilet clean and odor-free

If you own a sailboat, yacht, or other vessel that has a toilet and you want to prevent or eliminate unpleasant odors, Walex has the solution.

You can use either Bio-Pak or Porta-Pak in your boat's holding tank. Walex's RV holding tank deodorizers are also designed for marine use.

Walex's R&D department recently tested Porta-Pak and Bio-Pak in saltwater since some yacht owners use seawater to flush their toilets. We found only a slight slowdown in enzyme digestion in Bio-Pak, and it still dissolved the toilet paper.

Usage of drop-in deodorizers is the same in RV toilets and yacht toilets. After dumping, start with one packet of product and 1.25 gallons of water for every 10 gallons of holding tank. Five gallons of water will let the waste and paper fall below the waterline, allowing the product to go to work controlling odors.

Happy Adventuring!

Traveling in an RV with pets? Here are two products that will make your trip more comfortable.

Get rid of smells from pets, mildew and garbage with Walex's odor eliminators

In the past year, many people have discovered the excitement and freedom of traveling by RV. If you are one of those new RV owners and have pets that you want to take on your travels, don’t worry! Plenty of RVers travel with dogs of all sizes, cats, and even bunnies.  

Many people know what items to bring to ensure that their pet is comfortable on the road. But it would be best if you also considered your comfort when living in tight quarters with animals, and that means eradicating the occasional furball, dirty pawprint, and odor. Walex is the expert in odor control, and we have two products that animal owners always recommend! 

Odor Absorber

Packing at least one Walex Odor Absorber in your RV is an easy decision. It is a gel-infused charcoal product that destroys odor molecules rather than masking them with fragrance. It is easy to use; simply peel back the top, and it goes to work instantly, neutralizing odors in the air and creating a bright, fresh-smelling space. One Odor Absorber can freshen a 300 square foot space for as long as 60 days, so you can leave it in your RV between trips to avoid those stale storage smells. Odor Absorber is non-toxic, biodegradable, and environmentally safe. 

Assure Odor Eliminator Spray

Assure is another odor-destroying product that contains natural essential oils. We package the fresh-smelling liquid product in a spray bottle so you can quickly spritz seat cushions or rugs as needed. Assure eliminates odor molecules on contact, whether in the air or fabric. We designed it to fight the most challenging pet, trash, and bathroom odors, but it is also great for eliminating smoke, mold, and mildew. It is non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and safe for use around dogs and cats. Just a little bit of this product goes a long way in odor control.

You can find both of these products on the shelf at your local RV dealer, next to the Walex holding tank deodorizers. We hope both you and your furry friends enjoy your next RV trip! Happy Adventuring from the Walex crew. 


How long will my deodorizer last?

How often do you need to add deodorizer to keep your toilet odor-free?

We often get questions from RV owners about how often to use Porta-Pak or Bio-Pak, and how long one bag of the product will last. The short answer is this: two people living in an RV in a moderate climate will need to drop in one packet every five to seven days. Each Porta-Pak and Bio-Pak bag contains 10-packets, so the length of time one bag lasts depends on the number of people using the RV's facilities.

A good rule of thumb is to add a new packet of deodorizer right after you empty your tank. Always wait to empty your black holding tank until your sensors show that it's 2/3 full because gravity helps move all the solids out when you open the valve. Plus, if you're using a product like Bio-Pak, waiting long enough to empty will give the enzymes more time to liquefy the waste and paper.

Add enough water

After emptying the tank and adding your Walex drop-in, make sure to add enough water to disperse the active ingredients throughout the holding tank. The odor is less prevalent when the waste and paper sinks below the waterline. Otherwise, you may have a pyramid of waste and paper above the water line that causes malodor. We recommend starting with 1.25 gallons of water for every 10 gallons of holding tank. With adequate water added, one packet of deodorizer will control odor and treat waste up to a 40-gallons.

Keep your sensors functioning

One more thing to keep in mind: controlling holding tank odors depends heavily on watching your sensors, and if you start getting false sensor readings, you won't know when to empty and refill your tank. When this happens, you'll want to drop in one packet of Commando. This super-concentrated enzyme-based formula liquefies residual waste and paper build up within the tank, lubricates your valves, and cleans your sensors. Give Commando a minimum of 12-24 hours to do its job (longer is okay if it's a stubborn issue), and your tank will be good as new.

Happy Adventuring!

Will my RV holding tanks freeze?

How to prevent your RV holding tank and pipes from freezing

If you're spending the night in a cold climate—where the temperature will drop below 32 degrees—you might worry that your RV tanks and pipes will freeze. If you take a few precautions and understand the capabilities of your RV, you should be fine. Keep reading for helpful tips.

Keep your lines and valves warm.

The parts of your RV plumbing that are most vulnerable to freezing are the lines and valves rather than the holding tanks. In frigid temperatures, these can freeze and crack, causing costly repairs. In some RVs, the pipes are more exposed, while in other RVs, the propane furnace pumps heat around the tanks.

Drain the tanks and pipes and add RV antifreeze.

If the temperature drops down into the teens, you'll want to add RV antifreeze to the pipes to keep them from freezing and cracking. First, drain the tanks and lines to ensure nothing interferes with the action of the antifreeze. Then, dump a gallon of RV antifreeze down the sink and toilet drains.

RV antifreeze is very different from automotive antifreeze; the active ingredient is propylene glycol, which raises the freezing point of water. Propylene glycol is non-toxic. When temperatures rise, and you resume use of your holding tanks, you can also continue using holding tank deodorizers such as Bio-Pak or Porta-Pak.